Overwatch Open Division

Overwatch is a six versus six team-based game that has dynamic aspects of positioning, map knowledge, memory, and teamwork. There are multiple game types when playing competitive, such as King of the Hill (KOTH), Escort the Payload, 2 Capture Point, and Hybrid Payload maps. KOTH maps are symmetrical and both teams attack an area in the center and fight for control; best out of 3. Payload maps have a cart in which the attacking team must escort to 2-3 separate points on the map, which the defense team must stop; sides flip after round. Assault or 2 Capture Point maps have two points which attacking teams try to capture. Hybrid Payload is a mixture of KOTH and Payload. Teams must pick appropriate team compositions that highlight the individual skills of each member of the team. The roles to pick from are Tank (Main tank and Off-tank), DPS (Damage per second), and Support. Each hero has a set of abilities, which players use to change the pace of the game. Ultimates are built up either by healing or doing damage, it builds passively aswell. Once an ultimate is built the player can use it to do a unique ability.

For A5G I played the main tank, which means I am responsible for not only leading the team and calling shots, I protect my team aswell. I have to keep track of all players including the enemy team and remember the ultimate charges of enemies, which I use that information to call predictions to my teammates to keep them safe. I can flex to DPS and off-tank as well, I played as fill because of my school schedule. The times where I’d play were mostly skrimmages held by the team captains to practice. However most of the time we played so good, the other teams would give up and revaluate their rosters. From spawn camping their doors to playing off-meta heroes we worked well as a team.

Team on Battlefy.